
蒙面人[独出心裁之标新立异]FORSAKEN's Placid contempt Life is not a race,but a pace

Friday, November 10, 2006

cuRse of birth

Life is about gathering as many experiences as possible before you make an exit.
Memories are what you can only carry away with you.
Even then,memories are constantly fading

So new experiences have to be created and the cycle goes on..
Till one day experiences cannot be accumulated any further.

Before you know it,you experience the curse of birth : death itself.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Implacable Purgatory

Defamation,False Incrimination.
Vindication a must.

Hypocritical,fake personality.
A cardinal sin.

Think not you strip me of my waves,
Waver,waver,I refuse.

Gather seeds and plant them,yes.
I know how to uproot the planted,no?

Just wait for the great show.