The first post of 2006 is here.2005's posts were dark,as dark as this blog can get...haha.I hope to become cheerful and brighten things up a bit this year.And,yeah,it's been a long while since I last blogged,so I somehow lost touch.Well,I shall recount the happenings and what I want to highlight in a somewhat structured format.
Reminisced Days of 2005 and its people :
The Incredible Sec 5s:
Teseng,Amirul,Jeremy,the Twins,Jack,Wei Teck,Xin Ling and many other sec 5 friends were friendly and amiable people I would miss.Though the time spent with them was short,it was insightful and cool.They brought hope and encouragement to me as great people of Canberra Secondary.I guess they depicted the rosy image of quality Canberrans in its defining rights.I must admit it's a pity I didn't get to know them earlier,due to my indecisive nature.Haha,actually I took note of them since sec 2 or 3..SsshhH...We only got to know each other better in the days leading to the O levels,where we studied at Mac Sun plaza.Oh,those ma-yi-ah-hu days....
The Expressive Sec 4s:
SUHAILASE!! yeah..I really enjoyed the time spent with my ever-cheerful buddy Suhaila.Saluted for her courage to face failures with optimism,and remembered for her contagious sunny outlook,she's a friend whom I have seriously cherished over the years. Not one to be trifled with at times of frustration though. Seriously,she doesn't really mull over unhappy stuffs for long.And she has given me a lot of encouragement over the years.How we used to have heart-to-heart talks with one another..and the wacky funky Black Eyed Peas stuffs..I am missing you,suhaila.After all,we were sat together for almost 1 to 2 years next to one another..haha!
Pearl the gal...A corny teenager.Oh my,she was a true friend whom shares weal and joy with you.We shared many secrets together and always met each other during Edusave awards presentations...citing fate as the pivotal factor.Haha..The poor Biological girl always had to endure my round-about manner of speaking...and somehow or other,she adopted it as well.Now we will spar with one another,and I must admit I'm rusty at the pearly language now.No one would ever be as crazy as both of us are when we talk to one another...And thanks,Pearl,for all those prezzies you gave me during Christmas and my birthday..I will always remember you.Not to forget those songs that I heartily sung on the phone always...and the 2 to 3 hour chats over the phone..
Jeremy the wing lover..Anything that has to do with Chicken,seek this guy's approval or advice! On top of that,he sure knows where to find good food.Happy-go-lucky person,and better known as Miss Wong's son,he has grown with me at Canberra.Those pleadings over the phones about questions pertaining to tests..haha.Jeremy,if you are reading this,you should know what to do...Calls..haha.We always discuss about people and relationships,but he likes to take on the neutral side.Never an extremist,I guess.Jeremy will be missed for his adorable answers in response to Miss Wong's questions..haha.And yeah,our recess breaks and meetings after school together..
Jian Hao the one - Does wacky stuff in class.Can play the fool,yet unafraid to be made a good joke of.He studies and plays hard.And he sure knows time management haha..One of the few,other than fitrah,that really impresses me with his timetable for studies and play.Not only that,he really does mete out the proposed duties accordingly,punishing himself in the process.Will definitely make it great in life later on.His spiritual inclination towards his God was heavily talked about ever since sec 3.Yeah,he is the ONE.Cool and drool,ahha...My friend,please stay in contact!
Fitrah & Azizah (why both of them together?they are the SIAMESE twins lol..) - I always thought Canberra never did justice to my 2 special classmates. Come to think of it, it was amazing how both of them have undergone dramatic changes in Sec 4.For Fitrah,it was more so evident this year.She has learnt to be more appreciative,polite and yet stylistic in her right.And she has officially termed me her psychiatrist.haha..I guess our friendship really started only the end of last year and better this year..What I admire her for is her courage to remain her true self and takes a firm stand in what she believes in despite the many influences and pressures all of us may have on her.Azizah sort of shocked me when she was having a mental breakdown last year,citing me as the impossible example to follow when it comes to working hard for the big Os.And I'm happy for her she has done herself justice.Scholar of Canberra Sec.She was closer to me and shared with me her life happenings last year when she started working at the Night Safari.I believe she has gone through a lot and matured as well.She is just not the innocent girl she seems anymore.Advice is not needed for you anymore,Azizah...You are ready to stand up on your own.All the best to you both!
As for the rest of you who had played a vital role in my life in Canberra Sec,I thank all of you.I do not mean it if I didn't include your names.I shall as soon as I remember.
The Valiant Sec 4 Ns:
Kok Wei,Hui Kit,Jie Xian and gang...I thank you all for being pillars of my life outside school life.We had many a great times pooling,bowling and playing arcade...I know our friendship may not be as steadfast as those of which you all the N people share together,but I'm positive we will never end like this.Work hard for your O levels and other promotional exams for Kit as well...Hope to see you around soon.
-______The golden moments are not ours to define,but ours to savour_______-
NEXT UP: My Life SUmmatiOn in 2006 (Sneak preview through
Alex the Vexed
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